In today’s post, I’ve put together a list of 100 basic Korean sentences based on essential verbs that every beginner should know. These sentences cover everyday situations, from introducing yourself to making requests or expressing feelings.
To make learning even easier, each sentence comes with a visual, helping you connect the words to real-life contexts. By practicing these sentences, you’ll not only learn new verbs but also get comfortable with sentence structures. This list will be a helpful resource for your Korean language journey.
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Korean Sentences for Beginners
Sentence 1: 나는 자고 싶어요. (I want to sleep.)

Sentence 2: 저는 친구를 만났어요. (I met a friend.)

Sentence 3: 나는 사과 한 개를 샀어요. (I bought one apple.)

Sentence 4: 나는 먹고 싶어요. (I want to eat.)

Sentence 5: 돈 필요해요. (I need money.)

Sentence 6: 너무 졸려요. (I’m so sleepy.)

Sentence 7: 저는 한국 드라마를 좋아해요. (I like Korean dramas.)

Sentence 8: 집에서 일할 거예요. (I am going to work from home.)